Monday 28 April 2014

Composite Critique

Trouble at Home
Jim Kazanjian is the artist that made this photo. In his life time, Kazanjian went to the Art Center Collage of Design and the Kansas City Art Institute. He never takes any of his own photos but combines up to as many as 50 images from the internet to create his artwork. Jim has worked professionally as a commercial artist for the past 18 years in game production and television. With the knowledge of Kazanjian's work, he had taken several pictures to make this one. Using the bottom of a type of tractor and using an old creepy looking house on top of it he also probably added the smoke in the background and the dirty landscape too. He could have also taken little details from other various photos to add into the detail of the house, such as the woman standing in the door/window. He must have made the whole picture in black and white too and changed the contrast to add  shadows. I think that the result is pleasing in a spooky, dark sort of way. Jim did a very good job on putting all of the images together to make it look real and that it could be an actual thing. I like how it also kind of looks like it was seen through a telescope or binoculars by the rounded part of the top corners.

Friday 25 April 2014

Digital Abstract

Colour Pop
The concept of this digital abstract piece was to show a contrast of colour and darkness. This image portrays energy and excitement with the bright pink focal point to catch attention. The colour palette I used were darker blues and greens and black with bright pink and purples and some more softer colours.

Comic Book Ready
This is an over paint image of Rihanna. I wanted to make her look like a cartoon or comic book character so I sectioned different parts and dropped colour in them.The background colour is a subtle green-yellow colour to have the complementary green and red in the photo. The theme in this image is very childish and bright.

For my final digital image, I did another over paint, but of Zac Efron. I hoped to make his eyes the focal point so I made them a bright, but softer shade of blue. I decided to have a blue background too, so that the colour palette blended analogously. The emotion shown in this picture is definitely intensity, as though it looks like Zac is staring straight through you.

Friday 11 April 2014

Poetry Cover

My cover shows that poetry is like a tree. Always growing and expanding and becoming more beautiful with age. The bright red colour of the leaves are very eye catching and makes people want to see what it's all about. I chose this picture because it's a very calming picture with no distractions in it. I think that our students would like this cover because it's bright, peaceful, and eye catching. It really portrays the beauty of poetry and nature.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Multicultural Festival Poster

The "One World Living Together" theme inspired me to use a bunch of pictures of people from my school that are of all different cultures around the world. I also put the globe in the middle to show that all of these people from all over the world are all living together as one. 

Friday 4 April 2014

Group Installation Art- Flower CD Mobile

For this project my group members were Caz, Christian, Kristina, Marcello, and Laszlo. We decided as a group to do a flower themed mobile using CD's as the flowers. We thought that if we painted the coloured side of the CD's and left the shiny sides as is, that they would catch the light from the skylight in the main foyer very nicely. The materials we used were old CD's, acrylic paint, and fishing line. The design on the CD's were done in half cool colours and half warm colours, so that the two outer branches of the mobile were all warm colours on one side and all cool on the other.(In the picture the CD's on the left side were the cool colours and the CD's on the right side were the warm colours.) The middle branch had one side of a cool colours and one side of warm colours with the focal point a mixture of all of our different coloured CD's put together. We had to position our mobile above the showcase is fear that since it was quite a bit longer than the other mobiles, that students might hit it and it would possibly fall. Another challange we faced ws after we put our mobile above the showcase, our focal point row was too long and hit the top so we had to sacrifice one CD from the bottom. Our concept was to have a bright, colourful mobile that moved easily and made people notice it when they walked by.