Friday 28 February 2014

History Flag Project


The first overlay I did was the pinkish purple lightning bolt, for this image I cropped it so that the focus was on the left side of my face. I kept the background black because it made the lighting bolt stand out more. What I would have done better is the eye, I can see that i missed a little part in the corner of my eye that didn't get erased before i saved it                                                                           as a jpg.

The second picture i personally think turned out a little better just because of the eye and how it fades on my neck and right side of my face to make it look like the overlay is actually a part of my face. I also didn't put a background colour or gradient because it overpowered the colours on my face. Also, before i started both of my overlay faces, I changed th elevels so that the side of my face was darker and it would look more realistic.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Andy Warhol

Image 1
Image 2

Image 3
For my first image, I decided to do warm colours/monochromatic colours. I chose these colours because I find that the shades of reds and pinks look very nice together.

For my second picture, I wanted to do cool colours, so it would be opposite of the first picture.

Lastly, for my final Andy Warhol I decided to do secondary colours; purple, green, and orange. I wanted to do my last picture this way because my first two didn't have the same colours in them as this one does so I tried to get as many colours as I could into the last one.

Friday 14 February 2014

Photojournalism: Wrestling Tournament


This is a picture of our school's wrestling coach and another school's coach talking about the match they were currently watching. It shows that maybe wrestling is a pretty friendly sport, but only when you aren't in a match.

I chose to include this photo because of the way these two boys are positioned, right in the middle of a match trying to get the advantage. Also, the boys face that you can see is pure concentration, something that you really need to win.

This last picture shows the referee and two boys from different schools that seemed like good friends, were looking at the schedule to see if they were going to be wrestling each other.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Photojournalism Assignment

Staging Scenes- Staging a scene is never good for a photojournalism picture. You should not have to move an object to get a better view of it, you should move to get a better angle without disturbing the scene. You should not remove or add objects, because it makes the picture look less realistic and more staged. Altering a scene becomes unacceptable when you are attempting to copy another persons work, like in the "It All Began With a Mouse."

Manipulation of Digital Images- In photojournalism, the point is to take a picture of something that is real and shows an important message. It does not mean going on Photoshop and changing a picture so that it is no longer a real picture. You want to get people's attention with real problems and powerful pictures rather than a fake picture that looks believable.

A celebrity's invasion being intruded on by photographers.
Intrusion Into Privacy- Intrusion is one of the worst things you can do in photojournalism. If you interrupt a moment, you would have lost yourself a very important picture. Intrusion is justified when the photographer is not bugging or annoying the person(s) they are taking the pictures of. For example if the photographer is in that persons face and being disrespectful to them, that when they cross the line. it is legitimate to take pictures of people in private moments when you are keeping their personal space and not interrupting the moment. You do not want to intrude on others and ruin a great picture/moment.

Friday 7 February 2014

New Kid

In my new kid project, I combined the face of Kara, the eyes of Jamie, and the mouth of Katie. I think that the colour and shape of Jamie's eyes fit really well on Kara's face. Also I think that the mouth turned out pretty well too, but the eyes are defiantly the feature that looks he most realistic. I changed Kara's original hair colour of blonde to a brown colour that is neither too light or too dark. I feel like I could have done a better job on her hair to improve my new kid.

Monday 3 February 2014


I am soooo excited to be in this course! It includes all the things I want to be able to do on the computer!