Tuesday 11 February 2014

Photojournalism Assignment

Staging Scenes- Staging a scene is never good for a photojournalism picture. You should not have to move an object to get a better view of it, you should move to get a better angle without disturbing the scene. You should not remove or add objects, because it makes the picture look less realistic and more staged. Altering a scene becomes unacceptable when you are attempting to copy another persons work, like in the "It All Began With a Mouse."

Manipulation of Digital Images- In photojournalism, the point is to take a picture of something that is real and shows an important message. It does not mean going on Photoshop and changing a picture so that it is no longer a real picture. You want to get people's attention with real problems and powerful pictures rather than a fake picture that looks believable.

A celebrity's invasion being intruded on by photographers.
Intrusion Into Privacy- Intrusion is one of the worst things you can do in photojournalism. If you interrupt a moment, you would have lost yourself a very important picture. Intrusion is justified when the photographer is not bugging or annoying the person(s) they are taking the pictures of. For example if the photographer is in that persons face and being disrespectful to them, that when they cross the line. it is legitimate to take pictures of people in private moments when you are keeping their personal space and not interrupting the moment. You do not want to intrude on others and ruin a great picture/moment.

1 comment:

  1. Very good expression of your opinion with clear examples Cassandra. I like your point that instead of moving objects, the photographer should move themselves. You also picked a very interesting shots of paparazzi. Nicely done. How about making the spelling edits that I've noted on your rubric, so that your post is perfect?
